Monday, September 22, 2008

New Beta Previews

Although there isn't an exact date for its release, the Closed Beta 05 is under development and will inlcude new stuff, some of them are:

Dynamic display that shows what are you listening to

Even though the fact that you can use external mp3 music in the game has been announced already it was yet to be implemented. This images correspond to the lower left corners of the menu screen showing the name and artist performing the song. This block appears for a short while to show the player what he/she is listening to and then fades away. Something very similar to what you've seen on menu screen of EA games.


The image speaks for itself, the concept of blocking your opponents attacks can't be missing on a fighting game. Will it allow in the future to have several effects such as Parrys and Counters? Only time will tell.

New Moves

Here we have Betaman using his special attack with Down + B, the next Beta will most surely include even more moves!

Remember that the Closed Beta 04.1 is available to those interested once you join the mailing-list at

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