Friday, February 22, 2008

External Image use

The character development mechanism will include the use of external images. This is files with the PNG or GIF extension (since they allow transparencies) will represent each animated part and will be stored in a directory that corresponds to the character. This permits complex designs that can be done on external programs and don't depend on directly drawing in Flash, but most importantly, it allows the characters to have a change of skin.

Let's suppose that we have Betaman, but we don't lke his greenish color, we can then create a versión of his parts with another range of colors such as those seen in this video.

This color changes help players that select the same character to differentiate themselves, something commonly seen on fighting games.

But most importantly is that one can change the entire appearance of the character!! A third skin for the character could be something totally different!! The character will have the same moveset but could have any image that fits with the dimensions of its parts, for example your own face!!

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